[i]"How dare that little village-wench throw away my gratitude,"[/i] he thought as he took his first step forward. As he did he watched her pet stand between himself and her. It raised its haunches towards him and growled threateningly. He heard something crash behind him and voices rose up. He ignored it. [i]"Perfect, I'll fry her wild runt. A perfect lesson to teach this peasant,"[/i] his brow furrowed further into a mean glare. He placed the cup of ale on the bar and removed his leather glove which was coated inside with an electric-resistant tree sap. With focus he concentrated to cause his body's electric current to intensify. It had exhausting repercussions, but Rouen was too angry to care. A small part of him thought this was overreacting but he was too exhausted to not be angry. [i]"Never cross a Fulgur, or you will feel heaven's thunder,"[/i] he thought remembering his family's motto. Small Static discharges appeared between the fingers of his ungloved hand. He was about to take another step forward when a whirlwind of brown hair and wings appeared in front of him. Rouen shifted his glare to the obstacle. It turned out to be a winged girl wearing thick goggles. [i]"If she thinks she is gonna help her friend then sh-,"[/i] he thought when she spoke. "E-Excuse me M'lord, I understand that you are upset right now, but we've already had some problems in this tavern today..." he heard. She breathed deeply and continued, "Starting a fight wouldn't do any good right now, and I am sure that a man of stature would be able to put whatever transgression that has went down between you and Miss Kat behind you for the good of the public. I'm sorry if I come off a bit rude and putting my nose where it doesn't belong, but currently this Tavern is my home and I'd like for nothing else to happen in it today." He was off-put by her mannerisms. Her plead reached the part of him that remembered the vows he took upon accepting his post. The glare on his face retreated softly into thoughtful expression. The electric current weaving in and around his body thinned out into nothingness. Exhaustion set in from the exertion and lack of energy. "Very well, little lady. I must thank you for reminding my of my post. After all manners do make the man," he said looking at her. "I shall cause no further trouble in your abode, have a good day." He turned around and saw what caused the noise from earlier. The odd fox-eared fay seemed to have tripped and made a mess of the bar and an elderly patron. The white-haired innkeeper seemed to be doing his best to clean up. [i]"Oh dear I should help out"[/i] he thought and walked up to the elderly patron and the fox-eared fay. "Do you require any assistance?" he asked them.