I could do Sel and Hu-Wai, too. As for shows, you came to the right person; Have you worked your way through all the classics in the animu and chinese cartoons? Neon Genesis? All of Miyazaki's movies? FLCL? Panty and Stocking? Samurai Champloo? You might like Noragami, Soul Eater, Psycho Pass, Samurai Flamenco, Arise: Ghost in the Shell, Black Butler (only season 1 tho), Knights of Sidonia, Princess Jellyfish... Also if you have Netlix and just want SHOW shows then I rec; Twin Peaks (watch it, rewatch it, I don't care SEASON 3 2016 GET HYPE), Breaking Bad (obligatory), Mad Men, Weeds, Binge watching old Godzilla movies and Sphagetti Westerns, Peaky Blinders, Black Mirror, Dollhouse, Bates Motel, Park & Rec, American Horror Story, Caprica, I was going to suggest more but OH SHIT I WENT TO SEE MY LIST TO SEE IF I COULD GIVE ANYMORE RECOMMENDATIONS AND OH MY GODS HOUSE OF CARDS COMES OUT TOMORROW ASFFDGHFHFGJHGJHGJKGHK GET HYPE-- NOT JUST HYPE GET HYPE SQUARED-- GET HYPE CUBED MOTHERFUCKERSfdsgdfhgfjhgjhgk Oh, so on an unrelated note to that I'm totally going to be sick tomorrow and completely unable to post anything about anything.