Lmao. Im on my phone so I am just going to give a sequense of responses, in respective order, starting with neon. Nah. All but the one about cats (Totoro <3). Best 6 episodes ever /tear. No. Not big on samurai. No. Meh. Nah. Again, samurai, nah. Meh, cop drama. No. Didnt hear of that one. Nah. Never heard of twin peaks. BB is fucking boring, I used it to beat my insomnia, only watched up to the mexicans in the basement. Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah. Nah. AHS is.. interesting, watched asylum... meh. And finally, nah. I like things like orange is the new black, rubber (netflix movie about a tire), the afore mentioned three I am watching, john dies at the end Big bang (<3 science ) zombies, (ie: dawn of the dead #1, any of the 28 days/weeks movies. Resident evil is kind of dumb. Animes I liked.. attack on titan, eureka 7 (only robot anime I really enjoyed. Also the only show I cried for, and I watched Old Yeller and a host of chiq flix). Utawarerumono (fucking amazing, #1 hands down). Kasimasi (yay lesbians). highschool of the dead. Cowboy bebop, wildstar, something on the viridian planet, some show about space janitors. Patema Inverted (great!!!!! Movie) Things I dont like; Bleach, Naruto, One piece, anything gundam and all spinoffs, Full metal alchemist, steins gate, or most other mainstream animes. I become annoyed with things very easily, for no reason. 80% of movies I can guess events, twists, and plot lines (blame my grandma, she was 100% never wrong about anything ever, and i have google.) Like the saw movies. I actually get mad, I love puzzles, I solved or found errors in most of his puzzles. Scary movies don't scare me, except ones that use binaural beats to program sound induced chemical respones of fear in your brain. Plot holes irritate the crap out of me. Ie: its dark, the door is open, obvious signs of an intruder, "hello?" The victim calls out. "Yea, im in the kitchen, want anything before I murder the crap out of you?" The murder thinks in his head. I like zombies, simple, little room for critical judgement, unless someone is being obviously dumb or sacrificed. If I wrote as hard as I critiqued movies I would have so many novels. So, in conclusion, I'm kind of picky, and kind of that douche who frequently says "omfg, really?".