[quote=@Keyguyperson] Not a very long app, but a pretty good one nonetheless! The way you made their army (Technologically primitive, but effective using psychic powers) is a pretty great idea. There are two things that I just know everyone will want to hear though: 1: HOW POWERFUL IZ ARMOR IZ IT OP ARGLHPLRBLHRRRRRRRGHHHHH 2: Exact how do starship weapons work? Because I, for one, want to see giant crossbow spaceships. Because that would be [i]completely fucking awesome[/i]. Or, you know, Triremes in space. That'd be pretty damn cool as well. [/quote] That's a pretty good idea, I like it. They shall use Giant Triremes and other ancient ship models in space which fire giant psychic bolt ballista. As for the armor, it's made of a special metal which is nigh unbreakable by physical means, but is still able to be molded through psychic means. Once the metal is set, even psychics don't affect it too much, although a strong psyker can still rip it apart. That being said, each ship is made of this metal and has armies of psykers working to repel any psychic attacks on the ships. Individual soldiers too focus much of their strength on keeping their armor from falling apart under psychic attack. Though, they do extremely well against non psychic/magical enemies thanks to the lack of a means to rip their armies up somewhat easily. Does this add enough info on them that I'm accepted?