James yawned as he entered the school, trying to ignore the people around him. He casually stepped [i]on[/i] the foot of someone who tried to trip him, learning from experience how to get past those who tried to pick on him. It was the same process every day, and he was actually quite bored of it. As he made it to his locker, he thought in his head, [i]'Three, two, one...'[/i] He then took a step to the side to avoid someone trying to push him as they walked past, causing their hand to meet the locker, before he opened the locker, grabbed his books, and shut it before he started walking to class. He took his usual seat, and glanced over at the seat next to him, noticing that one of the few people he actually enjoyed talking to, Alison, had yet to arrive. He sighed and just glanced around at the others who were there, before opening the manga he had with him.