[img]http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100524190143/marvel_dc/images/b/b0/Killer_Croc_Zoo.jpg[/img] 2 weeks ago Croc woke from his chemically induced slumber to find himself in a padded cell in Belle Reves psychiatric ward. The thick, pungent smell of sedatives filled his nostrils as he saw a woman in a suit come through the door. As she came in he heard the tell tale sound of cameras switching off. "Hello Mr Jones, my name is Amanda Waller". Croc attempted to lunge at her, but his body wouldn't obey him. "Oh, and don't try to move" she said "We have enough sedatives pumped into you to, if you'll excuse the phrase, to stop an elephant". "Now i have heard that you possess a very particular skill set". now Croc was interested. "I want you to join a team i am putting together". "Now, you choose between rotting in here for the rest of your days, or you can spend them doing what you would do with your freedom anyway". She turned to leave. " As i said, its your choice Waylon." Present day Croc had gotten used to sedatives by now. But as he woke in the ware house he felt strange, looking round, he saw a machine with the Lexcorp symbol on it. Whatever crap was in there it had to be stronger than normal tranquilizers. But Croc could take it, he had sworn to himself that he would not rest till the bat was dead at his feet, and if a way of making that happen was doing errands for the government then he saw no two ways about it. He heard a noise and suddenly, on alert he surveyed his surroundings. Looking round he saw what could only be described as a collection of psychos. There was a guy with boomerangs, some kind of cat woman wannabe, Two strikingly similar one eyed ninjas, a guy who was repeating every sound in the room, a guy who would've looked better in ice skates than in prison, two, what were they, robots (Croc thought nothing could surprise him now), a guy with some kind of trident, a speedster who even made Croc a little jumpy, some guy who looked like a flaming skeleton, and... Croc paused, and a kryprtonian! Croc knew something must be playing with his senses, there were no kryptonians other than Superman, he had thought, but clearly he was mistaken. And the last one, well if batman had an evil twin thats what it would look like. Looking around at his "team" Croc grunted. Working with these people might be harder than he thought.