So can I make a character who understands basic ballistic mechanics, and uses ninja magic to move very small pieces of lead very quickly and accurately, spending much much less energy than flashier jutsu? I think it would be a cool dynamic, personally. Maybe he/she would have a DOPE sheet on their own chakra. That would be cool as shit. EDIT: Wait, I just realized that Naruto for some reason mixes in a whole bunch of modern technology, like televisions, electricity etc. Can I just have a gun? Maybe play some sort of pioneer in the field of ranged weapons dedicated to proving my sensei Clausewitz's theories on the effects of gunpowder weaponry in war through field trials. I could even spin it to have a sort of proletarian bent, preaching about taking power away from the ninja. Quote the great Sand Village Ninja "John Moses Browning", and remind the non-ninja that "Kami made man, but Samuel Colt made them equal"