As suddenly as Anna's consciousness had left her, it now came back, and she sat bolt upright, looking around her in a panic. Instantly the blood rushed to her head and she tipped over again, and sat back up (far more slowly). She didn't exactly know how she'd gotten under the tree in the first place, or what had made her pass out-- Oh. Right. [i]You idiot, Anna, using up your energy so fast.[/i] And then she remembered what she'd seen in her own memories. She'd pushed them down for so long that she'd almost forgotten them, but now... [i]I couldn't remember, because it was so painful. I didn't remember my own big sister, and no one ever reminded me. It's like when she died... When she was murdered, the memory of her was buried too. But I'll remember. For you, Aerin, I'll remember, and when I have a chance to avenge your suffering, I will, or I will die trying.[/i] She rose to her feet, leaning on the tree quite heavily. She had to catch her breath for a moment, as a little ghost of pain seized her muscles, a reminder of what she'd been trying to forget. Which meant... She'd done this before without any magic training, to keep herself from totally losing her sanity: She imagined that her memories were like a filing cabinet, and the bottom-most drawer was where she kept the bad ones. Well, the bottom drawer was wide open, and the memories were scattered around her head. So she took a few seconds and literally grabbed the memories and shoved them back into their filing cabinet, which she then put a mental padlock on. Terribly silly, yes, but the visualization helped her keep it under control. She stumbled away from the tree and back out into the sun to rejoin the other apprentices. Only when a breeze touched her face and her cheeks got cold did she realize she was crying. She wiped her face on her sleeve, forced a tiny smile onto her lips, and ducked under Ven's arm so that she could get into the circle that the apprentices had formed.