[b]Brock[/b] As Brock was rubbing his head, a dratini walked up and asked if he was ok, Brock was taken aback by his surprise at hearing a pokemon talk, and began to mutter to himself. "What the hay, how the... how the hay is that dratini speaking, did it train itself like meowth?" As Brock fell back in his surprise, he noticed his legs, noticing they were blue with black feet, he then looked to his hands, and saw they were the same. He rolled over, and crawled to the water to look to his reflection. "Ahhhhh!" Brock jumped back in surprise once again, this time, landing on his back under the dratini, looking up at her confused. "Err, no, I can't say I am ok because I think I am going insane. This is clearly not a dream, my head is killing. The last thing I remember, I was having an intense pokemon battle at my gym, then, me and the challenger began to disappear, now, not only am I not in my gym with my family and our pokemon nowhere to be seen, but it turns out I have watched up on a beach somewhere as a freaking croagunk, and talking to a dratini as if it were human. Yep, I am finally lost it, I am certifiably insane." [b]Sai[/b] Suddenly, the abra got up and spoke to him, and now that his headache had quieted down a little, maybe he could try and get some answers from the abra. He then listened to what the abra said, and realized, rather than get answers from him, he would have to figure out what happened. "Ok, you might think I am insane, but... here's what I know, I am a human, although currently, I am in the body of a psyduck, I fell asleep in my classroom, then I woke up falling from so high, that I thought I was going to die, I passed out from the lack of air, and woke up once again in the water, I swam here, saw my reflection and with everything going on, I realized, even if I don't fully understand it, somehow I was transported from the classroom to this strange island along the way or before I got transported, I became a psyduck, and ended up on this strange beach, I have no idea if it is even the same world, let alone country from where I started. I have no way of knowing what brought me here, why I am here, what's going on, how I get back or how I fix any of this, and every time I come up with an answer, I find about twenty questions but, since you said you woke up here, and you are suffering from amnesia, I can come up with only two possible conclusions, A, your simply a pokemon who suffered some sort of injury, maybe a blow to the head that is causing the memory loss, or something unknown is the cause, B, like me, your not from here, you were transported along with me, maybe even one of my fellow classmates, and just wound up here. The explanation for your amnesia however remains essentially the same, either you hit your head during the fall and suffered an injury that is the cause or some unknown force is the problem. It's not much, but that's all the answers I've got." [b]Ellie[/b] While Ellie was wondering around, she came across an eevee, or rather, an eevee ran up to her and started asking questions. She stepped backed a little in surprise and shock, wondering how an eevee could talk, or how she could understand it. "Wait, your an eevee? How the hell are you even talking?" [b]Hera[/b] As Hera was wondering around, celebi suddenly appeared in front of her, surprising her a little, she listened to him in confusion, then looked to him as she replied. "I don't even know where I am, let alone how I got here, what am I doing here or even why I am here in the first place. As for who I am, I am... err... I am..." Hera got even more confused as she struggled to remember her name, she then saw her reflection in a puddle on the floor. 'Heracross, I am a heracross... Hera Cross... Hera...' "Errm, you can call me Hera, at least I think that is my name, it definitely sounds familiar, then again, I am a heracross, so I suppose it would." As she said that out loud, she realized how bizarre that sounded, but she didn't know why. [b]Sky[/b] As Sky was looking around a shaymin with a group of pokemon came up the mountain. He looked to the shaymin as it began asking him a few questions. "Errrm... ok, I get this is your territory, and you don't want people coming here without asking, but I have a few questions for you, where the hell is here? How the hell do I get down, and what the hell is going on? How did I even get here?"