[center][b][u]Ivan Oakley - Armory[/u][/b][/center] He growled at the scantily clad woman through gritted teeth. [b]"I was minding my own business, and I hadn't said a word against the guy that suddenly decided that some [i]eye contact[/i] was enough to get his widdle feelings hurt. Then he asked for my opinion. I gave it. F**king simple if you ask me."[/b] Ivan was about to get in Daniel's face when the latter grabbed him by the collar, balling his hands into fists that he kept rigidly by his side. His venomous insult was cut down before it could begin by the suddenly [i]there[/i] Oswald and his rather intimidating bulk. After a moment of simple staring, he slapped Daniel's hand down and away before giving his response in a much more controlled tone of voice. [b]"If you think that I was talking about all Fanus when I mentioned an extremist group, you're more racist than anyone else here, swordsman."[/b] He glared out from behind Oswald's shoulder.[b] "I don't care what race they are. If they are criminals then they [i]must[/i] be stopped."[/b] He glanced up at the man with the teleporting semblance and seemingly thought about something rude to say before the gunslinger held up his hands in the universal sign of surrender. [b]"Fine. I've said my piece, I'll stop talking now."[/b] He had turned his back on the terrorist when he struck, a growl growing in his throat as the other man charged him. It died nearly instantly when Mokuren stepped in to intercept the blade, and panic instead overtook the gunslinger.There was a desperate scream of [b]"No!"[/b] as the blade came down. Some unrelated girl was about to get sliced in half because of this prick's hurt [i]feelings[/i]. Ivan moved without thinking. As Geni's slash came down, he pushed the fox-girl aside with all his might, drawing his arm across in a horizontal line as he activated his semblance to attempt to utilize whatever dust was bursting inside that blade to knock it aside. When the shot came to augment the falling blow, the bullet instead transferred all its additional force to the right side of the barrel, forcing the blade to differ from its originally intended course of Ivan's, then Mokuren's, head.