"Eh. Not really." Indi said to Ineko, after he sat down from his introduction. Then Shiro... exploded. That was the only way to say it. Girl troubles, he assumed, though that may have been him projecting a bit. Then, Sapphire was a bitch again, followed by some other chick taking her side. What the hell was wrong with her, did she hate Shiro that much? And that other girl with the reflect-y thing, why was she siding with Saph when it was obvious she was just making fun of Shiro and trying to get him out of the classroom because of the embarrassment of association. Honestly he didn't care who you were paired with, as long as you were nice and fought well. Sapphire With that slow rage bubbling, Indi turned back to his teacher. Dust! Yes, dust, he needed to know this stuff for his cool flame sword. He whipped out his Scroll and began vigorously typing, trying to gather all the info on dust he could. He wasn't as quick at typing as he was hurriedly jotting down his notes in his special brand of unreadable writing, but he now that he had a Scroll, it was a better option just to type. It was readable, transferable, and if he got better, faster. Then, Geni stood up, completely interrupting the teacher and breaking Indi's utter concentration on dust, and all dust related things. With and angered sigh he turned to face Geni and listen to what he said. Yes, violence, that was how you got people to listen! Then... [i]she[/i] tried to get Geni to stop, doing her trademark "best verbal defense is a verbal offense" shtick with Ivan as the victim once again. Then Ivan said so many wrong things it wasn't even funny. Was he that much of an idiot? Indi was saddened that he was paired with such a moron. The new girl tried to defuse the situation, with some help from Gren. That was before Dan decided essentially bully Ivan into standing down. Oswald did more of the same, smartly (in Indi's opinion) siding with neither party. Ivan stated his... surprisingly sensible piece. He brought up a great point, Geni started it, and Dan was making way to many assumptions. He agreed some humans were assholes, but he wasn't an asshole. At least, regarding Human-Faunus relations. Then Geni did the unforgivable and completely dishonorable. He attacked a surrendered opponent. This was a petty squabble, to be settled in a duel. Not a war where guerilla tactics were acceptable. Before Indi could step in though, that other fox faunus lady stepped in. She was the... what was she? He must have missed her match. Didn't matter, though, Ivan stepped in and tried to take the hit, to which Indi though he was an idiot. He quickly projected a barrier in front of his teammate, not realizing that the blade was moving in his direction now.