Azzrix was still drinking when he saw the altercation go on between Kat and the newcomer. Had he not drank so much then he would have tried to break it up, but the alcohol made the idea of fight seem entertaining and he was tempted to start cheering them on, but Historia intervened, which was a bit of a surprise since she seemed very shy to him, but she actually went up to talk to a big swordsmen who seemed to have electrical powers. [i]"Very well, little lady. I must thank you for reminding my of my post. After all manners do make the man," he said looking at her. "I shall cause no further trouble in your abode, have a good day."[/i] he heard Rouen say, he already liked this newcomer already. It was a rare thing to find such discipline, he had to be of noble birth to have manners like that Azzrix thought to himself, maybe they could work together eventually, he never objected to having more muscle in his party. He walked over to where Historia, Claire and Mysaren were sitting to start up a conversation. "That was an admirible attempt at ending their argument before it became a fight" he said to Historia. He then looked at the other two with her and gave a polite bow. "Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Azzrix Grimmor. I am paying for all of the drinks so please drink whatever you like. I hope that we can do business sometime in the near future" he said to them with a smile.