[hider=First contact] Soldier A and B are in a bar. Equestrian walks err.. clops... in Soldier a: Dude, you see that? Soldier b: WOAH THE FUCK FUCK?! Soldier a: Dude, it's cool. I still have a vintage catalog where you can buy those baby horse girl toys. Soldier b: Oh, that's right. My little pony. MLP: Ha ha! first contact, how are you gentlemen! Soldier a: Yeah... look. My little pony was super lame. Soldier b: My sister watched it, said it was ok.. Soldier b: Seriously though, how did you guys achieve space flight? MLP: Magic. Soldier a: I see Soldier b: How do you build space ships? MLP: Magic. Soldier a: I see Soldier b: So.. how do yo repair your stuff if it breaks, like the tiny little shit. can you open latches and such? what about doors? MLP: Magic. Solider a: Huh... MLP EXPLODES VIOLENTLY! Every one turns to look. most gasping in amazement as four pony legs hit the floor Soldier b: HOW DID YOU DO THAT?! Soldier a: Magic. [/hider] and why remove star trek?! ALSO, until I see an equestrian app in the Character tab, they do not exist to me.