[b][Rupert][/b] Rupert hopped around for a good while until Naida came by with a ball of ice wrapped in a towel. However, when she handed it to the old man, he was too unfocused to keep a hold of the item, causing it to fall onto his other foot. "Yow!" He cried, slamming his other foot down and raising the other one to hold. However, his face lit up like a flame and he dropped the other foot to grasp the other, continuing this as he cried and cursed. This continued for a good while, causing Rupert to hop around the entire bar switching feet as he hopped around. [b][Sessamaru][/b] The half-breed looked at Naida as she helped him hold the ball of ice over his stomach as she help raised him to his feet, and he smiled, a nervous chuckle escaping his lips. "Indeed, Miss Naida," he told her, laughing. "I feel bad for Mister Rupert, though. He will not get to enjoy his drink for a good while." Sessamaru stood up right and placed the ice-towel onto the bar, scratching the back of his head; an unorthodox habit of his. "Honestly though, I am quite fine. Nothing more than a bit of shock." He explained, his smile becoming a wide grin. However, the moment the sentence ended, his stomach let out a ferocious growl, reminiscent of a jungle cat! The half-breed bent forward, holding his stomach. "Except that," he groaned. "Miss Naida, may I have some food, please?" Sess asked, his stomach once again growling with hunger. This ground made the fox-eared youth sink to the floor. Already he could smell the food in the kitchen, causing yet another roar from his stomach. "Ugh..." he moaned, attempting to crawl his way up a stool. "[i]Fooooooood...[/i]"