Geni felt a voice at the edge of his conscious. It nagged at him, whispering for him to stop, that this was useless and unreasonable. It reasoned with him, trying to convince him that fighting everyone that hated him was unreasonable. But it was to late for Geni to back now, he had flew of the line, long before he had the chance to stop himself. Fortunately, Mokuren was there to stop him, at his own expense. She used her semblance to stop his attack. Unfortunately, things changed quickly. Mokuren was pushed out of the way and his attack was diverted, straight into Mokuren's unsuspecting head. The force of his own attack was to powerful to stop now. Everything that Geni had done looked and sounded stupid to him. Things changed again, this time it was heading for another kids head. His attack had been diverted so many times he was getting he was getting sick. His blade came so class to the kids head that Geni could bet he could fell the hairs in his head splitting. But this time it was actually blocked, by Amy. Geni's teeth rattled as the blade grated against her shield. Ragnorok cracks as it absorbed the energy it and originally sent at Ivan. Geni landed on his feet and backpedaled. All of the students words finally reached him, and he slowly realized the gravity of the situation he put everyone in, even himself. He glanced and Ragnorok, his reflection distorted by the crack that ran through it. This blade, he had been using it since he had joined the White Fang. He though he would bring it here with him, he thought it would comfort him, but it only dragged him back. "I'm sorry." He mumbled, dropping his weapon on the ground. He glanced at everyone in the room before he walked out of the room. He could not stay in there, he could not just sit back down like nothing had ever happened. He walked into hallway and raked his hand through his hair. He leaned on the wall and waited for the teacher to exit the room and hand down his punishment, he would most likely be kicked out of the school. Were would he go then, would he come crawling back to his father and the White Fang?