Liam heard the American decide he'd search for survivors. This seemed like a good idea to him, for a few reasons. One, it wouldn't be polite to leave people out where aliens could get them. Two, the American was in a Metal Suit, and would make good cover. Three, if he knew his cousins down south they were [i]loud[/i] and would distract from aliens. In the off chance they were wanting survivors, it would be good idea to be with someone who they would be more inclined to shoot at first. Plus, couldn't let a person wander off alone. With all of these factors Liam quickly looked around as he spoke up. "Yes, er, I'll go with him, it'll be quicker er if I help him out. Pardon me." Liam said as he pushed his sensory deprivation rig past, making sure he didn't hit anyone. Following Harry, Liam waved with his left hand. "Uhm yes, excuse me American!" He shook his head as he racked his mind for the introduction. He just had to give it when so much background noise was going on. "Er Harry was it? Could you please slow down a little? Together we can go find any poor fellows who uh, got trapped in this wasteland." Wrinkling his nose he shivered a bit. "This place smells terrible. Can you smell things with that suit on, if I may inquire? I don't mean to be rude, is all, I just want to make sure I had permission to ask, and make sure you weren't offended by it. If you can't smell out here, you are a lucky fellow. Because it smells rather pungent out here."