"Oh I wouldn't worry too much about crashing! Even if you do lose control the air sac gives you enough support to prevent any sudden landings. It's not enough to keep you afloat on its own, but it's light enough you should just glide back down to the ground." There were a few flaws here and there, but they were minor and Katas didn't see the need to go over them as none were threatening. The next iteration of the airship wouldn't have such flaws, so this was essentially a trial run. Smiling excitably Katas waited until the last person was onboard before drawing up the ramp and shutting the doors, going back over to the control console. "Let me see... There's the wings, the rudder, you can use that throttle to control speed... I think that's everything you'll need!" he said, pausing before pointing at another knob on the panel, "Oh, and that! Give it a good hard twist and pull, it'll release the anchor. It's a little heavy so do try not to drop it on any buildings, yes? Eslaria will have my head if we drop that through someone's roof! And frankly I like where my head is!" The airship was pretty neat and it would be fun using it, though Takeshi was still a little confused over the hypocrisy. If they couldn't fly why then were they taking a flying vehicle? Seemed like an awful lot of effort to go through to get them to come here, so maybe the intent to begin with was sending them out to test it. Hmph, he didn't like being someone's guinea pig, but now that they were here it would be silly to pass up giving it a go. With the ship as open as it was the older boy figured Shu would be okay on his own, at least for a short enough period to explore the ship some. Even with the vehicle being open the little guy wasn't having it, seeming just on edge the whole time. "Hey, whatever you need buddy, you know that. It's not that bad though, is it? We're not boxed in or anything, and there's plenty of room to walk around on." Walking over to Shu he placed an arm around his brother's shoulders, pulling him close and smirking in his direction. "Don't you think it's pretty neat? A flying vehicle! Well... Our ship's kind of a flying vehicle I guess, but this has wings. Don't see anything like that back on Earth do you?"