[h2][color=421A8C]Sapphire Rode[/color] - Armoury[/h2] Things were starting to reel further and further out of control, starting with Ivan's scum of the earth speech. It might be natural to think the White Fang evil or to despise there methods but what Ivan said went way way beyond that. By the end of it Sapphire was almost sure she saw him foaming at the mouth. [color=0054a6]"Come on Ivy, we both know that isn't even close to the truth. You don't really care about getting rid of the Grimm, you just want to make sure that your face ends up on the front page of every newspaper went it actually happens. Besides there is a big difference between the actions an entire group has taken and the actions the the individual members have, just because the White Fang has done some horrible stuff doesn't mean that Geni is just as willing to commit murder."[/color] Others began to raise opinions, Amy considering that Ivan was a loudmouth jerk and it didn't matter anyways, Sapphire caught something about her failing her entrance exam but decided that was a conversation for another time. Gren and Oswald against violence in general and then there was Daniel. As he talked about humans being capable of any sort of cruelty the White Fang could dish out he walked over to Ivan and forced him back into his seat. Sapphire knew from the moment those two connected they were about nine seconds away from a physical fight. This was only confirmed as seconds later Geni let out a large number of harsh words before he hoped up on the desk intending to attack. Sapphire knew if she wanted to have any hope of gaining some sort of control over this situation she needed to be by Geni's side. Sapphire quickly snatched her weapons up before hopping lightly onto Geni's desk, as she jumped from desk to desk following Geni's movements Sapphire assembled her weapons into a polearm. Geni was too blinded by rage to see the scene unfold in front of him but Sapphire saw clearly enough Mokuren move into position between Geni and his target. Sapphire thought for a moment that she must be crazy before remembering what she had done to Diamond in the sparring matches. She had some sort of force field or redirection semblance. Neither of which would be pleasant to hit full on. Sapphire didn't have time to think. She had to act now or someone was going to lose there head. Sapphire altered her momentum from running into a slide. She managed to keep her torso straight avoiding any unnecessary pressure on her rib. Sapphire used her weapon as a break pushing herself to her feet between Geni's blade and Mokuren's head. It wasn't that she particularly like the girl but Geni would not fair well in the aftermath if he actually hurt someone. Sapphire polearm was raised to protect Mokuren but it turned out that was unnecessary. In a split second everything changed. Ivan despite being arrogant and egotistical was not low enough to allow someone else to take a blow for him. Something happened, something in mid attack that caused Geni's blade to swing off course headed straight for Indigo. Sapphire ready a moment before to protect Geni from Mokuren's semblance didn't have time to switch tactics, the blade was headed straight for Indigo's head and her miscalculation meant there was nothing she could do to stop it. Luckily it seemed she'd not been the only one with designs on stopping Geni's attack before it happened. Amy was there as well, while she might not have been faster than Sapphire she knew exactly where the target was, a shield assembled itself from her metal sleeves stopping the blade midstrike. Sapphire cursed herself for not being more observant and at the same time was thankful that someone else took that blow, that kind of force would not have been friendly on her broken rib. Geni seemed to have calmed well enough to realize exactly what would have happened had his attack met its mark. He murmured an apology before running from the classroom. That wouldn't end well Sapphire could already tell that. At a time like this being on his own wasn't something that would be good for Geni, he'd stew in his own thoughts and more than likely he'd do something stupid sooner rather than later. [color=0054a6]"If you don't mind Professor,"[/color] Sapphire said nodding at Chatsworth. [color=0054a6]"Someone's gotta go after him."[/color] Sapphire exited the class running after Geni. She found him in a nearby corridor. [color=0054a6]"Lionheart, wait up."[/color] She was breathing hard, harder than she should have for that short a run. Each breath brought a stab of pain as her muscles upset her damaged rib. There had to be some sort of quick fix for that, she couldn't be taking it that easy for another two weeks. Finally she caught up to him. [color=0054a6]"Where do you think your going?"[/color] She asked looking at his face. He looked worse for wear by a lot, there wasn't a trace of laughter or his usual trickster persona.