Ishin continued rubbing the back of his neck as Chou rattled off what she needed. Of the ghouls that found solace underneath his name, she was the more interesting ones. Rather than eat and run leaving a corpse…she was like a huntsman spider…always waiting in dark alleys and hiding in her little sequester. He had tried on multiple occasions to break her habit of that, offering her a job and a room in the apartments that sat above and around the nightclub but she’d have none of that. Hell, he was close to offering to teach her how to read so she’d stop living in squalor. He held a finger up, motioning for a second and picked up the internal phone. “Hey, Shima-chan?” He said quickly “yeah, up in the office now” He nodded and put the phone down “Shima is going to give you her work clothes…” he scratched his head as the door opened and a girl that was the same size as Chou stepped in. Dressed in black Gothic Lolita clothing, Shima was attending to some of the clients that enjoyed such dress “you’ll be wearing lingerie for the rest of the night Shima-chan, stay behind the bar and serve drinks…if anyone gets handsy…well” His eyes flooded black and Shima grinned, her eyes following suit. She undressed and handed her clothes to Chou before turning on her heel and walking out. “Get dressed and we’ll head out…I need to fill up our little storage room too” He said with a smile.