[h2]Rayna Bryson - Armoury[/h2] She sunk down deeper in her seat, glad at least that her introduction was over and she wouldn't have to go through any of that again. Things were stirring up in the Class between the White Gang guy and the gunslinger guy who was staring daggers at him. Rayna sided with the gunslinger this time - there was no place for a terrorist amongst the ranks of the hunters. They were meant to be the defenders of the people yet how could you fairly protect one group of people you completely hated? It was illogical. Granted, she didn't think that they needed to get so angry over all of it. She put that down to testosterone; lots and lots of testosterone. Turning back to Victor when he began talking, she blushed a little as she felt the cold metal of his arm wrap around her neck. Yet despite its coldness, there did seem to be a life to his arm that she couldn't precisely put her finger on. Nonetheless, it felt reassuring - she had someone here to back her up. "I was just going through officer training school. I didn't have a rank. I was a lady though." She confided with Rayna's typical wild grin making a return again. "But I swear if you tell the rest of the guys, I will never forgive you!" She whispered again, her features settling into a frown that didn't look threatening whatsoever. "Sure! No problem!" She chirped, making sure to keep her voice down as she reached over to where the robotic arm met his torso. Somehow, within two seconds and a few small movements, she had his arm off and in front of him. "There you go!" As she was helping Victor, it seemed that things went from mildly bad to incredibly bad in the space of a few seconds. Gunslinger guy was being told off by someone who strangely looked human but remained pessimistic about his own species - Rayna distrusted him. Things then went to even worse than it was before as Faunus guy decided that he had enough gumption to attack a fellow student with proper weapons right in front of a teacher. Granted, the Professor looked more interested than concerned. Push led to shove and suddenly you had a line of people vying to take Faunus guy's hit. Sighing, Rayna rolled her eyes a little - they seemingly all forgot about their aura in an attempt to play the hero. The teacher wasn't involving himself for a similar reason, probably. [h2] [/h2] [h2]Professor Chatsworth[/h2] Events seemed to fly past in the blink of an eye and much like war or political strife, much became of quite literally nothing. Sure, Geni had let it slip that he used to be part of the White Gang but it was no secret that Beacon took students from all walks of life, even if they had once used violence to achieve political aims. It was possibly for this reason that the professor felt a pang of sorrow for the young Faunus - it was one thing telling your team about that but once he told the whole class, it would spread and he would unknowingly gain enemies. Pulling out his hip flask, a few drops of whiskey accented his coffee enough to remove some of the mounting stress. [i]This is only the first day and they're already behaving like hormonal teenagers.[/i] They were hormonal teenagers, of course, and he understood that such things were subject to bouts of increased emotions but to pull a weapon on your fellow classmates not only undermined the statement that he had moved on from terrorism but rendered such a statement obsolete. He didn't even need to step in either, which was a plus. Their auras would have protected them for a while before he would have had to do that but it was still an explosive situation. As Geni ran from the class and Sapphire ran after him, Elijah was left to pick up the pieces. "Well that was... peculiar. Did we record that?" He questioned, not addressing the class but one of the hovering contraptions which instantly buzzed an answer, wheeling about to regard him. "Good. I believe Professor Ozpin would wish to see this..." Turning back to the class, he regarded them for a few long seconds before sighing. "Let me make some rules very clear. Combat is never welcome outside of a duel between two students. This is armoury and it will remain armoury, not an extended period of combat." Sighing again, he pressed his spectacles against his eyes once more and took a sip of coffee before continuing. "With the exception of Miss Desire, all those involved as aggressors will receive a full detention. This includes you, Mr Dalton. Also, Miss Desire, I must commend you for your quick thinking and approach to dealing with the matter more peacefully. Your wisdom far outweighs that of your rage-fuelled classmates. Now, you will all sit here in silence while I go find Mr Hung. Any further violence will be met with the strictest crack-down." It wasn't normal that he had to go hunt a fleeing student but this year was proving to be very peculiar. Following the shouts of Sapphire, it didn't take him long to catch up to them, despite travelling at a leisurely pace. "Miss Rode, will you please return to the classroom while I talk to Mr Hung here." There wasn't a trace of anger in his voice and that was possibly the scary part of it all. "It seems that he needs to get something off his chest."