Anna frowned slightly as she held onto Pooka, "Yeah. He's kin of used to that though. At my foster home, Mrs. Graven....well...she didn't like us going out a lot so I would sometimes...sneak out?" Man, did that sound bad on her part. She was probably sounding like some sort of street rat rebel, "I would have to sneak out of the second story window and so to keep him safe I would put him in my bag on the way down. He actually kind of like it sometimes. I used to catch him crawling into it and taking naps in it sometimes. I guess it must be a nice bed for him?" She averted her gaze. Why was it so hard to just act natural? Maybe it was the fact sh just had a feeling he really didn't want her there? Either way, it was a tense feeling that she didn't like. She looked back to him and nodded, "Going to the garden sounds nice." Very slowly Anna followed the prince to lead her outside, where indeed there was a very beautiful fenced garden with a lot of pathways. She carefully set the small mutt down, watching as h began to run around and yap his little barks. She laughed softly at this, shaking her head slightly, "H's not used to be off a leash outside of Mrs. Graven's home. I'm sure he's pretty happy to get to actually run around for once." Pausing, Anna looked over to him, an unsure look on her face, "How many people have come here? Claiming to be your sister? It must have been a lot for you to be so....reluctant in giving another person a chance?" She shook her head and looked back to watch Pooka running around, "But, then again, I suppose if I was in your shoes would be that way too. Losing a family is trying enough without having others make it worse like that." Sitting on one of the garden benches she sighed, "I'm truly sorry if me being here causes you pain like that. I didn't want that to happen. I guess I just....wanted to know where my family was. And this is the only lead I've gotten my whole life. Well, at least since I was six anyway..." She smiled again as Pooka ran up to her and jumped in her lap. Anna ruffled his fur playfully giggling, "Well, I guess I could consider Pooka family. After all, he's always there for me when I need him and he's just so darn cute."