[u][b]Kuhaku Shiro - 4th Period, Armory Class[/b][/u] His question ignored, his messages to Sapphire and Mokuren gone unanswered, the situation in the classroom degraded at a pace so rapid that it dizzied Shiro. One thing was clear, that Geni had been part of the White Fang prior to his enrollment and acceptance into Beacon. The very moment he heard whisperings of the White Fang, Shiro's head ached with an intense pain that caused him to lose focus of the events unfolding around him. Grimacing, Shiro eyes shut tight as his ears flattened themselves. His skull felt as though someone was drilling into it and prying it open with tools to see what was inside. A high pitched whine that only he himself could hear deafened him. Placing his hands on his head in a futile attempt to ease his splitting migraine, he gritted his teeth as he steeled himself for what was coming next. The voices. Always starting as little ideas and whispers, a few here and there, they grew in volume and number. Painfully opening an eye to try and keep track of what was going on, he immediately wished he hadn't. In every desk, in every possible space of the classroom all of its occupants had disappeared and were replaced by smoky black shadows. He quickly shut his eye closed and willed himself to make it through this attack. Breaking out in a slight cold sweat, his breathing became labored as memories forced their way through the clouded mess of his mind. [i]"...Where did they find him?" "..The townspeople saw the fires." "...Was the only one there." "We found this.." "Doesn't that belong to..." "It looks like the White Fang's doing." "Tragic..." A younger Shiro only caught fragments of what the people around him were saying, fading in and out of consciousness.[/i] The voices were unrelenting, suggesting he take action. To add fuel to the fire, to do something extreme that he didn't want to do. [i]"Rip out his throat" "With fangs" "Killed your" "Use your Power" "Silence them"[/i] A massive jumbled mess of different voices battered him and left him withered. He could only surmise that they came from the Shadows that surrounded him. Breathing slowly and steadily, he kept himself calm. As suddenly as the attack came, it went away. His face relaxing, sweat drying away, he slowly opened his eyes and only saw his fellow classmates. No Shadow Men to be seen, the voices and high pitch whine gone. Clearing his throat, Shiro sat silently at his seat. Not saying a single word or giving any indication as to what happened to him, he finished the notes he was recording on his Scroll, his countenance expressionless and blank. The book of his easily read emotions and thoughts closed, its pages blank. He would reserve his opinions and thoughts to himself for once, only wishing the continuation of class. As the professor quieted the class and left to track down Geni, the lion Faunus, Shiro looked at his weapons and decided he would busy himself until the professor returned and class proceeded as normal. Grabbing the hilt of his sheathed sword and pressing down on the emblazoned crest of the shield, he used the sword as an odd key of sorts. Sheathing and unsheathing the sword at varying lengths, a series of audible mechanical clicks and ticks were heard as the hidden internal mechanisms of his weapons turned and worked. With a slight pop and jump, the shield segmented itself revealing that it was not indeed one solid piece of metal. Carefully sliding his blade out of the shield with a metallic grinding noise, he grabbed the spine of the blade as he simultaneously twisted the hilt. Removing the spine, he pulled out its internals revealing that his sword was partially hollow within. As he twisted off the pommel, he disassembled the rest of the internals and began to turn each part over in his gloved hands. Carefully examining each item to check for abnormal stress, wear and tear. As he looked over his now disassembled sword and shield, he worked with an uncharacteristically unusual calm and serenity. As if nothing happened in the class. As if he didn't just suffer one of his periodical attacks. To anyone watching Shiro, he was simply conducting maintenance on his surprisingly swiss watch-like weapons. The sword and shield not simply so. Its true inner workings and functions, only Shiro knew how to piece together and understand. He was the only one alive that knew how his weapons were utilized. All in all, he seemed rather disinterested in the happenings of the classroom, even bored. The drama just wasn't his thing. One thing was certain, however. Inside, Shiro's heart burned furiously with anger and rage aimed towards Geni. He would later demand answers from the Lion Faunus, before passing his own form of judgement. He would have his information if he would be attending this class with the Lion-boy. But, he would reserve that for another day, now more interested in the dust residue build up on the internals of his gear.