[@The ghost in black] Sol tilted his head curiously, he had been hoping for something a little more combat oriented. Obviously his opponent had chosen such an event because she believed that she would hold the advantage. Unfortunately Sol was equally sure she was right, it would most certainly be an interesting match up. "Very well then, we shall meet in an hour on the tennis court." he said and moved towards the court and sat down by some nearby seats. An hour to prepare, just what he needed, if the challenge had been immediate he probably would've been crushed. But he had learned from Meruin, time to prepare was time to set up magic. He began concentrating on what he wanted to do to give himself the advantage, the most likely one to succeed would work without a doubt, however it would be very, rude to say the least. Sol stored that plan away in the back of his mind, if worst came to worst he would use it.