Oh, wow. That's like, the second oldest group RP I've heard of. o.o I'm a big fandom roleplayer. I tend to invade all of my interests with stories designed by me and the individual that happens to be interested. My favorite fandoms to make stories in are Pokemon (Might be obvious, hehe.) Harvest Moon, and Fallout. I've tried to find someone to work on a Legend of Zelda 1x1 with me in the past, but had no luck in the matter. I also, of course, have more than a few other fandoms I'm really interested in, but figure listing them all would just be bleh. I've made a few original things, as well. I recall one roleplay, in which my character was a prince out of my partner's favorite book, brought to life. Only for the world inside the book to fall apart and into chaos while the prince was away, leading to my partner being kidnapped as a way to lure my character back into the book to fix everything. Involved a lot of doubling, that story did. Went well, too. From what I remember. :P