[center] The redhead princess lethargically greeted all of the people who had gathered around her: first Eilis, then Xander, and lastly Ryan. Thoughts ran through her head as she received each persons statements. Firstly she answered Eilis, [color=ed1c24]"I have a job for you... but it mostly consists of staying within city walls and doing some very specific work. If you have other things planned, it won't get in the way, you just need to be prepared for when I call upon your services,"[/color] she explained, [color=ed1c24]"This brings me to my next point. Currently a meeting between myself and two other prominent mages has been called. I require a bodyguard/attendant to assist me. I've decided it should be you Eilis. Though I don't expect too much trouble. It's still entirely possible that I will require assistance. If you wouldn't mind giving me some hours out of your day, we'll be leaving in half an hour and arriving en location in a full hour. Until then you are free to do what you want. While I am out, Ryan, you will be the Commander Pro Tempore. Thank you for your services. Xander, I also will need your help with something later, but for now, you have no direct orders from me. I hope that covers everything,"[/color] she said, hoping that would end that discussion. _______________________________________________ As she heard the hustle and bustle of the police headquarters start up, Cae realized that she had been sleeping for roughly an hour. That left her with only about one more hour until [b]that[/b] thing happened. So worrisome... she needed to find her advisor quickly. Of course! Who else could she choose but her own brother, one of the strongest members of the police and certainly the one she could trust the most to not only be in charge of protecting her during the event but also helping her make decisions while discussing the matters with the other two. Cae, in a brisk pace, walked up to one of the police members. As he turned around to great her, she made great haste in asking the question she had came with, [color=0054a6]"Where is Zensuke?"[/color] she asked. The man shrugged, "I think he just left," he said, although he didn't seem too sure. Of course, he wasn't required to be on patrol today, so that made sense. The police leader ran through the large doorway, in search of her brother. Catching sight of his black hair, she picked up the pace, soon coming upon her fellow royalty. _______________________________________________ After a while, Amarillo had decided to choose his advisor for the upcoming meeting. Of course it would be a coliseum fighter, but it would have to be one who was not busy with fighting that day, as well as one willing and able to protect him if needed. Not only that but he needs to bring an interesting opinion into the discussion, so politically it would be wise to choose someone from a diverse background. As he happened upon a group of three people he spotted two of his own fighters, Prox and Zugos, talking with a civilian. Both of those men fit the bill, but the choice was pretty clear. Prox was older. Even older than him by a few years, and thus he had an aura of wisdom around him. He stepped in on the three men, [color=fff200]"I apologize if I'm intruding, gentlemen, but I have an urgent problem. Prox, I want you to come with me to a meeting. I require an assistant in both defense and decision, and you are my first choice. So long as you're not too busy, I'll find you in thirty minutes. Zugos, Lily is in the medical room if anyone requires her while I'm gone."[/color] [/center]