[quote=@United] Improvised Weapon: A katana made in the blacksmith shop in the lower decks of the ship [/quote] 1. katanas actuly cant cut through body parts, the could with a long handle but a shorter one for combat would just cut, like say... a short sword. 2. katanas though used by the best warriors and made by the best black smiths, they were also for the worse warriors and blacksmiths. I highly doubt that a katana made on a cruise ship would be strong enough to slice body parts 3. from my knowlege we have been at sea maybe a day or 2, as said before it may not be the best quality. GOOD katnas take upwards of 2 months. a bad one would take maybe a day if it was made and you wernt given a replica (That i think is more likely, why would they give you a sword to kill people with. even without the virus its a hazard to everyone else as they dont know if you will go phyco and kill everyone.) 4. not that im saying we arnt all rich, but a good one wouldnt be cheap, oh no given that your on a ship not on land. supplies wont be as cumbersome. so instead of the 100 - 400 price range. you would be paying 3k maybe 4. would your charecter pay all that money? for a sword that he cant prove works? i could have more but this speak its self. just recomending stuff and maybe you could add some rp of it breaking and stuff