It took a sideways glance for Shiva to realise that Telmeck was looking at her in a way that seemed odd, even if she wasn't too good with Rothian facial expressions still. Shiva saw herself conversing with him about her past in the near future. Hopefully he would be as understanding as Rareth. Unfortunately, no one had any clear answers on where their little outfit would be heading next. Given Rareth's reasoning on this operation technically being a test, Shiva guessed that would make sense. As Shiva took another sip of the wine, she actually didn't mind that she didn't know where they were headed. This was a high-end team, but she was still appreciated. It would be dangerous, yet worth every moment. It was like it was cheating her prison sentence by having such company. "Maybe our next operation might follow up what happened on that space station," Shiva suggested, "I'd certainly like to know what happened, especially with that one we captured that had that kill switch thing. If it even was a kill switch." Shiva shrugged, defaulting to a soldier's mindset, "Or not. It's not like we're the detectives or anything."