[u][b]ARMOURY[/b][/u] Hearing Rayna talk about her past Victor felt that he had to share as well. "I hate how it feels when my arm is removed, it's like hanging by a thread over a shark tank, your one lifeline, and you have to let go. I always hesitate," glancing to the side at Rayna "prolonging it, as if by taking longer it won't have to happen. It is... scary. Then it is done, gone, as if I never even got a replacement in the first place. It feels empty, not even a phantom limb to remember it by." taking his arm from Rayna, Victor lays it out on the table in front of him and with a practiced hand he starts disassembling it. "Don't worry about all this past business." matching Rayna's wild grin Victor turned to her "You're the Captain after all... unless you would prefer me to call you M'lady?" The growing conflict felt like background static, ever present and building up until it could no longer be ignored. Victor only started really paying attention when the threat of a tank was introduced [i]Are you kidding me? Have you not heard of escalation of force? Don't do that! You'll just start a fire![/i] next thing he knew that threatening spark blew up the political powder keg. A short fight broke out and miraculously managed to resolve itself before Professor Chatsworth had to intervene, he was only needed for clean up. Looking down Victor went to resume his work but found that he had already striped it down to it's metal skeletal frame. [i]Well... practice really does make perfect.[/i] Stepping back Victor looked at his arm all spread out and was, as always, slightly amazed. Whispering to Rayna Victor said "It's weird isn't it? So many parts fit together to make my arm and my weapon... It's also a bit creepy, the metal skeleton arm part." grabbing some WB-40 Victor started meticulously cleaning and oiling every part that needed it, noting down any part that could be improved [i]The lenses used in the cannon could be higher quality, I better sharpen the blade as well[/i] "What plans do you have for this class M'lady Captain Rayna? What plans will lead Jormungandr to glory?" grinning broadly Victor did his best to put the political fight in the back of his mind and was determined to stay out of it. As far as he was concerned it was just a fight. No terrorism, no politics, nothing. [i]Politics is what caused me to need this arm. Little good comes from it.[/i]