[h2]Celeste[/h2] Celeste let out quite an audible sigh as she worked on getting the loose dust and dirt off of her skin and clothes. She looked up at the sky briefly then started walking to the showers. Recollecting everything that happened earlier. ------- Frantic. The only way she could describe everything that was happening. It didn't help that she had little experience in commanding. Everyone was everywhere and a few seemed to be doing their own thing. And with carrying a Lance, she was the slowest, luckily a shocktrooper had volunteered to stay back with her and escort her in. Brenna Sykora, from what she remembered in the documentation. Celeste was still capable of doing something in this Skirmish with the sudden appearance of Squad Six's tank. But that's when things went from being described as frantic, to hellish. First the tank took out a scout, it was hard to tell who it was exactly at her range, but they seemed to stop any harm from coming to the other scout in the same foxhole. Whether was intentional or not was unknown. But she noticed something out of the corner of her eye, it was moving fast too. It took her redirecting her attention to this object and let out a sigh. It was the squads APC, while the tactic it did was impressive, it was when it ran into a trench that was depressing. Needless to say, it was quite the distraction, which allowed someone to get behind it, and take it out. Celeste was ready to set down her lance when suddenly a pair of scouts approached them. Reacting quickly she quickly aimed at fired the lance at them, overkill yes, but it the only weapon she had quick access to as her rifle was slung on her back. Needless to say, the round connected to one, taking that one out and knocking the other back, who was swiftly taken care of by Brenna. Celeste ran over to the one that the chalk lance round impacted. "You alright?" she asked. She knew the boy was considered dead, but the rounds weren't live ammunition, and the impact of a chalk lance round was one only rivaled by a direct hit from a tank chalk round. So she wanted to make sure he wasn't too seriously injured. He nodded with the look of surprise on his face, the impact site was in the chest, and had not cracked a rib, but the boy must have had all the wind knocked out of him. Celeste was just glad she hadn't killed someone in a training exercise. And when she turned her attention back to the battle, she found a few shocktroopers with their guns trained on them. Closing her eyes so the chalk didn't sting, and once her eyes closed, they opened fire. [b]At least they waited.[/b] She thought as she lay there, playing dead. ------- That was all she could remember. That's when she realized there was chalk in her nose, and taking a deep inhale through her mouth, she blew out the loose stuff from her nose. Which caused a little internal giggle. And after a little more walking, she was met by Lilly. Who saluted her and asked how she fared in the battle. Returning her salute, she responded "Only got one person. Poor kid, he never expected a lance to be fired at him. Tank was taken out before I could get one shot on it." She noticed Lilly's hair "Need some help with that?" Celeste's hair was covered in chalk and dirt, but was still fairly straight. She had straightened it shortly after the skirmish came to an end. [h2]Brenna[/h2] Brenna sat on bench outside. Staring at the sky. It wasn't much, but she'd still like to sketch it. Just a sketch, pencil lines and a little bit of shading. Just something to do to pass time, maybe document cloud coverage during the course of the war? Brenna's actions in the Skirmish wasn't too exciting. She had stayed with the Corporal as a bodyguard/escort. And only took out one person. Maybe she could do something more exciting tomorrow. After a few more minutes of staring at the sky, she stood up and began to walk into the common room when she stopped a few feet short. She had already taken a shower, ate something prior to taking a shower, and relaxed outside. Something had stopped her, it was a tingling feeling on the back of her head. She spun on her heels. She had a feeling it would rain sometime tomorrow.