[i]“I honestly can't tell. Maybe they are just travellers like us?”[/i] Well, Lutwig said that but he didn't really believe it. The way the man was dressed it was possible, but the woman looked like she had been living in a place that still acted like it was pre-apocalypse. Lutwig slowly backed away once Leeam had packed his bag and put it on his back -- Lutwig took this as a hint that it was time to leave. Reaching his own bag he quickly swung it around his arm and onto his back as well. Once he had done so he quickly moved back to the window and tapped Leeam's shoulder, signalling he was ready. Taking a final glare he could see another shadow slowly creeping in behind the two. The shadow was small, child-like, and moved slowly and even a bit sluggish at times. It's movements were careful however. [i]“Leeam, look.”[/i] he said as he pointed out the small shadow. [i]“A kid.”[/i] He couldn't of been more wrong and within a split second the shadow went from small to big, revealing a man that was crouching earlier, giving his shadow the childlike shape. A command was spit from his lips to the two figures. [b]“Drop your weapons, now!”[/b] The man and woman turned around, raising their hands. They were obviously scared, the woman slowly backing off towards the man to get together with him. Lutwig grabbed Leeams shoulder and nodded towards the exit. They couldn't help even if they wanted to, but frankly Lutwig wasn't willing to risk it. [i]“The gun is empty. Who still has working guns nowadays? They'll be fine.”[/i] The number of people that did was staggeringly low. Then again, they weren't in America where everybody and their mom could buy a gun. The guns you would see here sometimes would be low caliber handguns, police used handguns and hunting rifles and shotguns. Maybe some lucky sod got his hands on a military grade weapon after the apocalypse started. Lutwig made his way to the exit, staying somewhat low to avoid being spotted by the people across the gap. He went out the door, into a large, humid hallway with rotten carpet and rotten floorboards under that. Atleast one advantage of camping in this type of environment was that you could generally find some form of maggot in the rotten parts of a house. It was a nice addition to a can of food. Not that Lutwig preferred to eat maggots over a can of something more decent. Lutwig creeped his way across the hallway, dodging holes and weakspots in the floor as he passed them, heading for the stairwell so that they could go up, onto the roof and across a wooden beam to solid ground on the hill - or 'beach' as they should call it now. Once he went through the course, he felt relieved that he was finally touching some actual ground again. There was just something nice about dirt under your boots that he couldn't describe. Looking behind him to see if Leeam followed, he noticed that the man was still yelling orders at the man and woman in the other flat. A small lull in his orders gave Lutwig reason to keep walking, though the lull was then broken by a gunshot. A scream followed, loud crying by a woman and muffled coughs amplified by the surrounding silence and the acoustics of the flat they were in. Lutwig looked at Leeam with a concerned face, somewhat concerned about what just happened. Guess the gun was loaded after all.