[h1]Completed Characters[/h1] [H2]Academy of The Arcane Artes[/h2] [Img]http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/gazoron_vip/imgs/4/f/4f2bda4f-s.jpg[/Img] [b][u]Full Name[/u][/b] [i]Mia Betancourt[/i] [b][u]Gender[/U][/b] [i]Female[/i] [b][u]Age[/u][/b] [i]16[/i] [b][u]Year[/u][/b] [i]First Year[/i] [b][u]Birthday[/u][/b] [i]13 of February[/i] [b][u]Astrological Sign[/u][/b] [i]Aquarius[/i] [b][u]Species[/u][/b] [i]Human[/i] [b][u]Class[/u][/b] [i]Analysis and Support[/i] [b][u]Weapon[/u][/B] [i]Cybernetic Enhanced Eyes: Her eyes are upgraded to analyze and record any data she's seen, allowing her to pinpoint strategic weaknesses and probability patterns. Also displays an ally's vitals, ranging from health to the stress toll on their body. While she can read the streams of data constantly running across her retina, Mia's glasses serve as secondary platform when she wants to focus on a specific report, or to pull up a layout or map of the area. [b] The eyes also give her a basic reading on a object's weight, height, core temperature, and a frailty rating. When focusing in on a living being it adapts to give the same data, but processes the frailty rating against visual damaged sustained or taken allowing a probability of how much more can be taken before the object or person becomes critical or broken. [/b] Since it's integrated into her and is essentially what gives her her sight, she can't turn it off. Everything she looks at feeds her data so she tries to avoid anomalies and irregularities that would overload her system causing a reboot reverting her back to being blind until it comes back online.[/i] [b][u]World[/U][/b] [i]Earth[/i] [b][u]Short Biography[/U][/B] [i] Mia was born blind, yet having been born to rich parents it was an easy fix. They had made their fortune off selling and trading new age items as well as products from Lucis to 3rd world countries; in return gaining access to ancient commodities that collectors would pay handsomely for. By the age of 5 Mia was undergoing treatments to restore sight, along with a few added upgrades, originally intended to help market and track values on the constant influx of trading goods.[/i] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [i] Mia is extremely shy, having only been around her parents and personal tutors, she's had little real experience with the world outside her parents shop beside the adventurer or two coming into sell their wares. She only comes across as calm and collected when reiterating data, advising,or giving out tips and crucial information.[/i] [B][U]Partner[/u][/b] [i]TBA[/i] [b][u]Fear(s)/Weakness(es)/Limit(s)[/u][/b] [i] Mia is weak against strong personalities, having always listened to her father's instructions, and her mother's constant stream of critiques and request giving her little time to adapt against them. She's also not psychically strong when it comes to direct combat, often finding herself facing larger opponents she's learned to stick to the back lines and avoid a direct area around any combatants, having no desire to attempt to scramble out of the way or get hit by wayward and direct attacks. She fears that she might have made the wrong choice, replying to the letter and that maybe she would be better off back home in the shop, constantly questioning what she's doing. [/i] [b][u]Strange Attributes/Abilities/Traits[/u][/b] [I]Spending her youth organizing and handling the shipping dockets, Mia became naturally accustomed to reorganizing the data she records to fit certain scenarios and make it easier to recall, though only having her eyes rebuilt means she has the same processing power of most merchants and shop owners having learned to quickly skim reports and pick out what's needed, trying to access information too quickly can cause her eyes to throb and induce headaches. Her eyes have the ability to zoom in and out giving her a range of scope over areas, used to help find items in the warehouse or in the storefront. She's adapted it to focus on creatures movements, the tightening of a muscle before the energy is released, using that she couples it with data she's gather on different people's anatomy and psychic to gather a basic reading on an average persons capable limits but her data and assumption aren't always right so she continues to read on different anatomy and observes others to gain a more complete basis to work off of. She uses the same concept when it comes to combat, observing what attacks do instant damage or if they're prolonged, also if they're negated by certain psychical or magical Traits of their opponent, making assumptions and possible tactics to bypass it or if she can use that data to narrow down what would effective. Also being able to hone in on an enemy gives her a chance to look over the anatomy, gathering reference data and observing for any places where a capable attack would do the most damage. [b]Tl;Dr:[/b] The more she observes the better her references and assumption will be, most of what she builds and plans are theories that are constantly changing until tested. [/I] [B][U]Other[/u][/b] [i] When she has free time Mia is often found in a quiet place, generally either outside in one of the schools gardens or in the library reading and researchimg data on social interaction and self confidence.[/i] [/hider] [/center]