Geni flexed his finger over and over again as he walked. He liked the feeling of the cracking over and over again, it helped him think. This was supposed to be Armory Class, yet it turned into a battle field. Geni sighed, remembering the words of Ivan. "Once a terrorist, always a terrorist." there was some truth to those words. Geni learned how to fight at a very young age, and from then on he had done many unspeakable acts. Yet, Beacon accepted him, he had told them of his past, but they still took him in. Geni owed this school a lot for what they did for him, yet, stepped all over them with what happened today. Geni raked his hands through his hair once again, until the silence of the hallway was broken by the pained running of Sapphire. She had used the nickname she made up for him, Lionheart. "Were do you think you are going." she asked him breathlessly. Geni sighed and but put on a fake smile. "Wherever the wind takes be." He said solemnly. Unfortunately. Before there conversation could go far the teacher then came to them. Geni cringed when he asked Sapphire to go back to class and looked back at Geni. Geni was extremely nervously, but Geni calmed down and took a deep breath. "Hey teach." He said solemnly as he scratched the back of his head.