Casper's attention was momentarily dragged away from the fight by the approach of the girl in the maid costume. He tried not to grin too widely at her antennae, though he couldn't keep his smirk from growing just a tad. He'd rather not insult her because she seemed to be in charge here, at least for the moment. His eyebrow went up sharply when she asked him to introduce himself. What was this, some sort of social club? Still, he didn't feel like making waves over such a small thing. He shrugged his shoulders and glanced over at the rest of the people there,the ones who weren't fighting at least. "Well, I'm Casper. Or Nightmare, whichever you prefer." He let his smirk grown into a wicked grin then. "I personally don't care what you call me." He turned back to the girl in the maid outfit. "So, Antennae Girl, am I going to have to introduce myself again to those two?" He pointed to the two who were fighting. "I doubt they heard me the first time." He was being a bit of an ass, but he didn't care. This whole situation was rather amusing to him, and exciting too, underneath the layers of silliness. These guys looked like a bunch of anime characters playing dress up. If he hadn't known better, he might even have thought the kitsune wasn't real, but only a costume.