[h2][color=421A8C]Sapphire Rode[/color] - Hallway[/h2] Geni's answer worried Sapphire, from the sounds of it he felt himself no longer welcome at Beacon and more than likely he was planning on running. As someone who understood that impulse quite well Sapphire knew first hand that it never solved anything. Before she had a chance to say anything about it however the teacher Professor Chatsworth arrived no doubt to hand down Geni's punishment. He dismissed her back to the classroom but Sapphire was more than a little reluctant to go. An authority figure telling him how much trouble he was in was not what Geni needed, he'd likely been doing that to himself since he'd left the classroom. Right now he needed someone on his side but Sapphire wasn't going to get a chance to be that person. [color=0054a6]"Just don't do anything stupid or rash. You have people counting on you here."[/color] Sapphire glanced back at him. [color=0054a6]"I'll see you in class."[/color] Then she walked off back down the corridor. Once Sapphire was out of sight of the Professor and Geni she stopped. Sapphire's little sister had always told her her fatal flaw was an insatiable curiosity. More specifically a curiosity about things which she was supposed to have no knowledge. Her father had often told her it would get her killed one day. Sapphire glanced back at the corner to the hall were Geni and Chatsworth were talking then she looked ahead towards the classroom. Chances are if she returned there wouldn't be a whole lot ot do so might as well. Sapphire flicked on her semblance, her form blurring out of existence to all but a very select few. The last thing either Geni or Chatsworth would expect was for her to return to the hall to eavesdrop and her semblance took full advantage of that granting them the sight they expected to see, the landscape that was devoid of Sapphire Rode. She walked very deliberately and very silently back maintaining a good distance. They could neither see nor hear her unless she made some very loud and attention drawing noise but she was still solid if they got too close they would knock into her and her illusion would shatter. So she kept close enough to hear there conversation but far enough away that she could avoid either of them if they moved towards her. What could she say, she was curious.