Twas with the discovery of Dmitri gently pecking at her head that Nirayane awoke with a stir and a soft yawn escaping her lips to greet the day, and by the little commotion outside, it seemed everyone else was awake as well. Yea though a struggle to pull herself out of bed as the night had been peaceful, without a single nightmare or interruption, and she slept so wonderfully that she didn't even wish to awake. So much for that thanks to the hawk begging her for food. By Veralyn did he ever cease eating? So it be with another yawn Nira peeled away the soft, wool blanket and slipped out of her bed, resting both feet upon the cold stone of the cistern's floor, damp stone as well. She ambled over to her makeshift vanity, mostly comprised of a table and a mirror one of her guildmates had stolen and decided to let her have. Though shoddy and hastened together, it was still a good enough place for her to fix her wild, tangled hair into her accustomed elven braids and splash a bit of water on her face from the basin. Once she was done, she slipped on her fur boots and snatched up her quiver of arrows, not to mention her bow and her dagger, making her way into the main hall to greet her fellow thieves. Last night's meal Nirayane could smell again, a scent so pleasant as it wafted about, yet with new, subtle hints of various spices boiling into a hearty, warm broth for a stew, a stew made by Simbad no less, Nira noticing the regal fellow stirring the iron pot occasionally. Nirayane also noticed Nadia and quickly she scurried behind the girl, snatching her up and hoisting her over her shoulder, always enjoying teasing the young-blood. Giving a little kiss on the cheek to the girl, she set Nadia down again and cheekily ruffled her hair before turning to Simbad with a scrawled message on parchment, only damn way she could communicate unfortunately, [i]"I'm going to the river to bathe. I shall return shortly."[/i]