The mechanic's question stumped Jimmy for a moment; he had assumed that everyone was infected by an illness of some sort. Why? Well, for one there was a nasty bug going about the passangers on the Hippo's first day at sea. Secondly, the crazies seemed feverish- perhaps even delirious. It had to of been some kind of biological illness, to Jimmy's mind. Though what caused it, was beyond him. "Well," Jimmy said finally, "by the amount of blood I'm covered in, I woulda thought I'd of savaged your face by now and eaten your balls." The former sushi chef looked about. The area outside of Sheldon's Sushi bar was a kind of mini-mall, with a linear foyer lined with various small shops and bars. The "West Gate", it was called. Everything seemed eerily quiet, and this made Jimmy nervous. No bodies, no mess. Just quietness. "I'm going to the bridge," Jimmy said quietly, keeping his voice down. "You're welcome to come with me. I think we'll stop by security on our way, see if we can't kill that moron playing with the ship's systems." He stopped and pointed over at a compacted [i]Sports 4 U[/i] store. "We'll find weapons in there, nothing much, but I reckon they'll have a golf club or a croquet mallet."