[center][i]Naida[/i][/center] [center][b]Blue Moon Tavern[/b][/center] "[color=00aeef]No, you know the rules, Margaret,[/color]" Naida says as she grabs Sess's plate and immediately dishes him up some more stew. Then she notices the large ogre at her table and cringes. "[color=00aeef]But I'll let you use my employee discount just this once.[/color]" She sets the bowl back down in front of Sess and heads back to the kitchen to make the pancakes herself. She quickly dishes up at least ten servings of pancakes and writes down the amount on Margaret's tab before swinging over to her table. She dishes out the load of pancakes before going back over to the bar to clean up slightly while business was low. She smiles at the Priest as he walks downstairs and starts pinning up some jobs on the job board. "[color=00aeef]Hey, Priest![/color]" Naida says happily, giving him a toothy grin. "[color=00aeef]I might have put my own job up there. Sorry, I just thought it would be fun for some of the patrons in the tavern.[/color]" She smiles at him and looks back over at Sessamaru. "[color=00aeef]Are you going to take one of those jobs?[/color]" she asks him. "[color=00aeef]I have exactly seen you leave the tavern in forever and I think some fresh air will do you good.[/color]" She smiles at him and begins to wipe down the bar with a wet towel. She hovers a couple feet off the ground and looks at Sess expectantly.