I do think the stunted technology goes too far, to be honest. I find it real hard to believe that a few dead scientists and a long war is enough to set the world back over fifty years. Especially considering a lot of the scientists that made a lot of the cut tech happen are probably around somewhere in Germany. I'll be honest, a lot of the justification for the stunted tech is very weak and unfounded. I sort of understand why it's in place, but it doesn't by any means make sense given the scale of this technological blackout. I have sort of rolled with it (though I do remember complaining for at least two pages back in MCF), and am okay with continuing to roll with it, but yeah, I don't really buy it. You are really grasping at straws when you try to justify it with a few dead scientists and a long war. EDIT: It's especially hard to understand the argument when you realize that China has fuckin' satellites, but because a few scientists died in Europe and they had to fight a war for a few extra years, Europeans are stuck in 1950 for life.