Alastair had been texting one of his friends when something collided with him. He only stumbled back slightly before quickly regaining his balance, turning acid green eyes downward to see what it was that had run into him. A girl crouched there and though she looked slightly familiar to him he chalked it up to having seen her around school. He scowled at her as he stooped to pick up the phone he had dropped in his surprise. He examined the screen, mumbling curses to himself. Luckily the phone received no damage. He then looked back down at the girl, scowl still firmly fixed on his features. [color=lime]"Why don't you watch where you're going?"[/color] He snapped as he brushed past her, even going so far as to step on one of the papers that had fallen from her things. He then continued down the hallway without looking back at her, smirking as some girls he passed as they giggled and batted their eyes flirtatious at him. Alison frowned as she hurried over to Cat and dropped down next to and began gathering her things together. Once she was done she smiled at the other girl as she held out the papers. [color=violet]"I'm so sorry about my brother. He can be a real jerk sometimes."[/color] She said, throwing a scowl over her shoulder at Alastair's retreating back. She then smiled at Cat as she turned back to and climbed to her feet, holding a hand out to the other girl. [color=violet]"Anyway, are you okay? Need me to take you to the nurse?"[/color]