Adelisa nodded her head and looked over at the head Executioner. "If you'd like to come with me, then come. I have the first clue in my pocket if you'd like to join me on my search. I do have to say, though" she said before turning a burning glare directed to Alistair. "I [i]dispise[/i] Theo. If you knew the things he can do, to a woman no less, then you'd understand why. You only hate him because of his hostage, your Maria. You have absolutely no clue what is happening to her! I do! I do not care if you do not trust me, but never ascosiate me with that... [i]creature[/i] or your little executioner can kill me and you'll never see Maria alive again. I'd rather be dead than be his... anything." She hadn't noticed the tears streaming until she felt a salty tear drip onto the bottom of her lip and she raised a hand to wipe them away. What was the point in crying? It was positively stupid. She grew angrier at herself by the second, saying monotonously "I do not trust you nor do I expect you to trust me and vise versa, but I have something you do not: knowledge of a common enemy. If you do not allow me to follow my lead, then you will not find your Maria. Anyone can come with me, I will not run off or leave. I may be a rogue, but that is not because my word is disloyal." Her head hurt from the ramblings but she was nervous and, to be frank, terrified of these men. The woman behind her was the least terrifying. She was just another woman acting as a pawn, but the men. Men were controlling, manipulating, ignorant, and merciless. [center]~~~~[/center] Theo smirked and said "do not fall for a whore, Jar! They gather your heart and then leave you!" He chuckled and ran a bloody hand through his hair, making it matted with blood. He looked over at Maria and grinned wolfishly, saying "though, I may just wed and keep you." He ran a finger along her cheek before retracting her hand.