Vessa looked up and saw an arrogant jock walk into the class, her eyes rolling. Trixi and Candi giggled and bat their eyelashes almost in synq. She, on the other hand, ignored his existance. She looked out the door and saw Alistair pass, again her eyes rolling. She hated arrogant, popular jocks and "bad boys". They all just wanted the same things all men wanted from her: money, popularity, and sex. That was all. She looked over at Trixi and Candi, almost wishing she could be anywhere else. They were idiots and sluts in every sense of the word, but Vessa was the star girl at this school. She did not have a single rumor about her sex life. In fact, no one heard of her dating anyone, making her even more desirable. It is hell. That was all Vessa could think of in the situation.