[Center] [Img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8cry3nKAz1rqodg7o1_500.jpg[/img] [B]Name:[/b] Paul Remedy [B]Age:[/b] 30 [B]Gender:[/b] Male [B]Personality:[/b] Sometimes comical and sometimes the most serious person in the room. Doesn't like bossy people. Gives off a type of psychopathic mood when in danger. He secretly enjoys being in really dangerous predicaments. The only time he'd open up to someone that's not a machine is when he's drunk or smoking a cigar. [B]Species:[/b] Advanced Human They live on Earth and are said to have an IQ of 200 which allows them to process and move a little faster than normal humans. [B]Realtion:[/b] TBR or will add in later [B]Weapons:[/b] Rose Which is the name of the pistol in the image Paul is holding. [Img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/070/1/b/steampunk_gunsword_by_shandra_chan-d5xpeuu.jpg[/img] Rose-mary Is a sword with a pistol forged into it. Mary is the name of the sword. Rose-mary if often carried on Paul's back. Coop Is the name of the scouter that Paul wears on his right eye. It is use to identify unknown material and notify Paul which materials can possibly converted into metal or other materials that he might possible be looking for. It is also use as a scope to help Paul's accuracy when firing a weapon. [B]Gear:[/b] Engineer Paul is able to fix almost any type of machinery. Unlike most engineers he doesn't even need all the qualified materials to rebuild or fix a machine. He's also a scientists who works on converting other materials into dangerous weapons. [/Center]