[b][u]Lord Jakob Frey, Lord of the Crossing[/u][/b] As Tristan begun to bore Jakob he started to look around, looking for a way out. Tristan was smart and a fairly decent man however he did have a strange habit of being almost childish. Jakob would have suggested the Tully boy get himself a woman, or at least a whore, however those willing to put up with Tristan were in short demand. As his eyes scanned the room he spotted Jonathan Mallister for a second and thought of trying to strike up a conversation with the venerable lord. Jonathan held some of the land near the Twins and was a major force in keeping the Greyjoys at bay. Excusing himself from Tristan he slid smoothly between people as he went to hunt down Lord Mallister but was then stopped in his tracks once more. It seemed Khailey had managed to appear amongst the Riverlords again. Changing course he veered steadily towards the Lioness and caught up with her just before the exit. Bowing curtly he spoke with a smile. "The Lioness seems to be away from her pride again. If I didn't know better I would say you wish to be one of the flock. We do have a slightly more..." Jakob looked over at one of the greener lords finishing his eighth cup of wine before belching loudly and laughing with some noble friends. "...crude sense of humour." Jakob almost sighed at the rabble he was surrounded by. These nobles believed it was all a piss up now, the King would select the Stark boy as his hand and then they could return to their homes to carry on the hedonistic life they enjoyed. No ambition. "However we also have a lot less power than that of your own house, so the trade off is quite large." Suddenly a man stumbled into the back of Jakob and he spun around. A glint of fire in his eye that was steeled by the fists his hands clenched into. The man was a tall orderly who seemed to have been knocked by another kerfuffle going on slightly further away. Jakob was not a cruel man and quickly checked that the orderly was alright before taking a drink from the man and offering one to Khailey. "Perhaps we could speak where less of my noble kin are present? We never did get to carry on our conversation from earlier after the Tyrell interrupted. Now, you were telling me about why you are not at your fathers heel tonight."