We do need to accept that Precipice has an aesthetic that comes down to just being an aesthetic. I always liked to imagine this as an internet version of the old dime-store pulp magazines from one hundred years ago, where realism is tossed away in favor of atmosphere. But Googer makes the most important point when it comes to weapons. Old Precipice suffered from that old NRP problem where everyone tries to outdo each other in OOC. That happened in the first Precipice, and it ended up looking like an independent Florida mining "Steel" straight from the ground to make top-tier jets and a world-class navy. Honestly, if we had started Precipice with some foresight, we probably would have limited the technology further, but back in the beginning of 2011 we didn't imagine it would last a year, let alone four. That meant that jets entered the storyline. When we came around to fixing the canon, we kept the parts where jets actually played a roll in the plot beyond masturbation. And this wasn't just us going around taking jets away from the people who aren't around as much. Up until last year, Ethiopia had some of the best jet tech in the world because, at one point, Florida randomly sold most of its planes to us for cheap. And I got rid of that because it was stupid. Weapons are not interesting enough to actually make the RP on their own. People need to learn how to be humble so that they will tell stories instead of jack off about themselves, and the best way to do that is to more or less force it where Spain and China are OP. If people are forced to play second fiddle to them no matter what, than maybe we can avoid the paper-tiger approach to nation-building that makes so many awkward unreadable plotlines. This is a world where The First World War lasts a decade, where one third of Africa becomes one country because of a little blackmail, where the US just suddenly starts to spite it's Imperialistic tendencies and stays in its own borders for no reason, where every single person in China is perfectly cool with it's authoritarian regime and that same regime is unnaturally benign, where Spain can be an industrial power, where Armenia matters... Precipice isn't realistic. That was never the point.