This day began much like the first. Hazel's initial stirring was slow and unwilling, but she shot up as the harsh sound of an alarm clock cut through her. She was quick to find the 'off' button. She prepared for a long day after a seemingly restless night, leaving for her classes in a hurry after she got ready. The day seemed to pass by quickly. By the time lunch time came she was ready for it to pass quicker. It became clear that this wouldn't be the case when a harsh voice boomed through the PA system. When the message finished she turned to face her friends and exchanged words of parting. They split up, although they were all heading to the same place. They were all A-Ranked and weren't going to pass up a rare assignment like this. A large sea of people formed around Hazel Hosner. Everyone one was going. At least everyone that mattered was. She read the assignment dutifully and decided that, much like she had already expected she would, she wasn't going to search out for the E-Ranked students she worked with yesterday. She searched for her A-Ranked teammates. This predetermination was quickly cut to ribbons when Hazel found her usual A-Ranked group had a substitute in her place, likely from yesterday. [i]Well, I suppose I'll have to make due.[/i] She broke through the metaphorical sea and searched for familiar faces. She sighted Hayato being called over to a group of other familiar faces and began to wade towards their direction.