[b][u]Lord Jakob Frey, Lord of the Crossing[/u][/b] Jakob smiled as she mentioned her suspicions as to the extent of his ambition. She was absolutely right of course but he would admit that. Instead he laughed the comment off easily and then proceeded to escort the young lady to her room. He had no intentions of informing her father of course, but the he also had no intention to do anything that a man would disapprove of. Khailey was simply a way into the bigger players right now, Jakob had no interest in pursuing a fling tonight, especially not with a woman who could quite easily crush him with her ties. Sipping his own wine a lot more slowly he almost laughed as she drank hers quickly. Musing shortly on her position Jakob responded. "I'm surprised such a fine woman as yourself was not betrothed before the coming of age. Has your father been busy? Preoccupied perhaps? I mean if I am not mistaken, you are quite an important part of the line of Lannisters, and have quite the claim on Casterly Rock after your uncle and father. You seem like someone with whom a noble house would look to snatch at. If I am not being too bold to say. See myself, and the other lords I am forced to call my equals, are left to marry amongst ourselves. No Great House wishes to marry themselves low, but then the circumstances have not required the greats to need their lessers for quite some time. I believe the War of Five Kings was the last time that it truly hung in the balance." Jakob chuckled as his history lessons paid off. "In fact i believe it was a Frey who orchestrated the downfall of the North then. Perhaps we will be able to wield such power again, to serve the king of course."