Yamimori and Akai listened in to the other two's introductions while watching the kitsune fight Keith North. She was fast, they had to admit, which would make her a formidable foe and she doesn't pull any punches either. Yamimori was quite happy that the other applicants were male so he wasn't all that conscious anymore. He looked at Casper or Nightmare. Yamimori didn't like the guy's attitude. Casper wasn't going to be in Yamimori's good books. Yamimori had this weird feeling from Casper, as if something about him seems off. He didn't care what that was, as long as he doesn't get any missions, considering if Steel Fish accepted him, with Casper he's going to be fine. Akai, on the other hand, wasn't as pissed as her brother. In fact, she found Casper interesting. If he was being like this, then that only means that he has one hell of a power to show them. Based from what she could get from the alias 'Nightmare', he probably has a form that can give someone a run for their money or he can manifest nightmares in a sleeping person. Although even if she was interested in his powers, his attitude is another thing. Steel Fish is a group, a team, so everyone should be nice to the others. If Casper was getting in, he should at least learn how to be nice towards all of them. She looked back at the fight deciding that Elizabeth should be the one to judge, not her, because Akai wasn't in Steel Fish yet.