Meesei maintained her calm attitude while keeping her hands on Sabine's shoulders. She pulled her closer in an attempt to console her. Certainly, Sabine was not accustomed to failure with anything alchemical, but it was not as if she was familiar with every ingredient in Tamriel and beyond, so it was bound to happen eventually. Regardless, she doubted Sabine would give up so easily, and Meesei would do whatever she could to help with her tests. "Tell me what you do know about the poison. If you cannot identify it, then do you believe it is made from something exotic? If Vile is involved, the ingredients could be from Oblivion itself. In any case, if you need something, we will get it for you. We have all week, and perhaps longer for the investigation, so you will probably have time for whatever you need. I may even be able to come up with a way for the scholars themselves to help you, depending on how my investigation goes." Meesei said reassuringly. Ahnasha crossed her arms, trying to maintain something of a firm demeanor. She obviously had his attention, and Fendros seemed to think she was doing well, so she decided to continue. "None of us want to sit around and do 'nothing,' but you know just as well as I that you, or any lieutenant, cannot do the investigating, not yet. You know whether or not you're the traitor, but no one else does. Think about it, do you really want the traitor having free reign to build a case against one of the others? Oswall, you're brash, headstrong, and have been working your way up the ranks for decades. You would be [i]real[/i] easy for someone to blame, but Meesei, she doesn't care about that. She will base her suspicions on fact and evidence alone; not something that everyone else will do. There is no telling what the traitor would do if given the chance. What we're doing is just as much for your protection as anything else. None of us want to blame the wrong person."