Sophia tucked her hands in her pockets in an attempt to preserve the warmth that quickly threatened to fade away. She didn't realize Tim was staring at her because she was too busy noticing the tiny details about him. The way his hair fell in his eyes, how his shoulders were broad even though he had a slim build, how much taller he was than her, how he exuded this quiet aura that only seemed to make him more alluring. "You're welcome," Sophia automatically replied. "Well, I should probably get going now. Still got that walk home in the cold. I hope you like the food. Oh, and I have work tomorrow so you'll know where I'll be. Anyway... Night, Tim. Thanks again." [i]Yes![/i] Sophia thought excitedly to herself. [i]I didn't fuck it up![/i] She gave him a smile, then turned and headed down the stairs and back out into the cold. But Sophia didn't feel cold on the walk home. She felt warm from the inside out. She could still recall the feeling of her hand in Tim's even though his warmth was gone. But by the time Sophia stood outside the door of her apartment she was once more worried about the thought of being in a relationship. Could she do something like that again? Could she risk being hurt again? Did she want to? Did she [i]want[/i] to find someone to love and to love her, even though she could be hurt? And then Sophia had a revelation. She was stupid. Stupid to believe that she could have any kind of relationship at all without there being hurt at some point or another. There would be fights, disappointment, and tears. Every relationship had them. Family, friendships, love. She had experienced them before, and she would experience them again. But what mattered was working through them, working to make things better, to make the relationship stronger. No matter what type of relationship it was. Sophia knew that long ago she had wanted to start dating again. She had just told herself not to. And maybe that was for the better. Maybe she had somehow known that it wasn't the right time, that the right guy hadn't come along. Until Tim. He was sweet and kind, fun to be with, and Sophia liked that he could open up to her. Not to mention he was definitely cute. She had a crush on him for sure and she couldn't deny it to herself. She wouldn't, she thought. But she would still try not to let it show around Tim until she knew how he felt about her. Finally Sophia entered her apartment, feeling better than she had in a long time. The next day at work she would no longer find herself shying away from couples, but rather hoping that maybe at some point that would be her. Maybe with Tim...