[quote=@Mihndar] -snip- And nations such as Prussia should be able to develop them even faster. I don't see why Hugs couldn't at least have really basic jet technology and refine it over time. -snip- [/quote] Honestly, I think Prussia should be able to, at this point, at least be in the early development stage for jets. I honestly think that, maybe except for France (but they're an NPC), Prussia is the only country in Europe other than Spain that could currently handle taking that task on. As much as I would love for Britain to be at that stage also, with all the country has been through, I don't think that they're anywhere near capable to even consider the idea. So it's not like I'm saying it to improve myself or anything. I just realistically see at least Prussia being able to begin on jet tech. That said, I will now begin writing my post of said Brits struggling to even take on South Africa.